Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yellow Journalism

Yellow journalism refers to when publishers exploit their position and create flashy and irresponsible news reporting. This was done by twisting and distorting news and was done by increasing readership.

Josephs Pulitzer and William Hearst are the two big names associated with yellow journalism. Both these men, fought for more readership, during their time, employing yellow journalism.

The term comes from a colour comic strip called The Yellow Kid, which was published in the papers of Pulitzer in 1896. The creator R.F. Outcault was one of the objects of the rivalry between Pulitzer and Hearst. Years later Hearst, employed Outcault. Both of them used to Yellow Kid to sensationalize stories and to discredit each other. The Yellow Kid managed to sway public opinion on many issue.

Spanish-American War is a classical example to portray Yellow Journalism. Hearst had sent an illustrator and writer to Cuba, to report on the Spanish-American War. They wired back to Hearst that everything was peaceful, to which Hearst replied, “You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war”.

For both of them the Spanish-American War, was a chance to increase their circulation. Both had the stories distasteful and violent. A lot of graphic illustrations were used. They probably forced America to start a real war.

In the end, Pulitzer redeemed himself by setting up the first journalist school, and setting up the prestigious journalism award, the Pulitzer Prizes.

In today’s world, yellow journalism still exists. Though it form has changed, it’s main aim is still the same, to increase readership or viewership and increase revenue. The method has changed from twisting and distorting news to control of what news is to be released or not.

For example the incident of terrorism attack on Taj hotel, Mumbai on 27 November 2008.what media was doing in this case media was continuously covering the whole incident and showing that news which should not be disclosed, just to increase their TRP ratings. Another example in 2006, a kid named Prince fell into a bore well which was two-and-a-half feet in diameter. He was rescued after over two days of efforts, which were telecast live on almost all television channels continuously for 48 hours neglecting all important news but it was not important to show such a news on a continuous basis.

So yellow journalism still does exist and with media houses growing bigger and spreading across mediums, it is spreading faster.

However there is one thing that present day, yellow journalism faults in and that is the target audience. Both Pulitzer and Hearst understood their target audience, but this cannot be said the same for today’s yellow journalism.

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